
  • Mental-healing

    How to get rid of pron addiction?

    How to get rid of pron addiction? Are you among those who want to get rid of this addiction? This is a common and dangerous addiction taking us into the grip of a new mental disorder.     A study was conducted in 2019, to measure the effect of pornography. The study suggests that the prevalence of this disorder is 3-6%.   It is very difficult for the study team to give an exact figure. Because people never accept that they are addicted. Because they think of it as a social stigma.  So they do not want to talk about it. In this article, we are going to discuss. What…

  • Spiritual-healing

    What is spirituality? Is it looking inward?

    What is spirituality? Is it looking inward? Before I answer the question, what is spirituality? Some questions also come to my mind. Which I think also bothers you.  Like Is spirituality looking inwards? Is spirituality worship of god? Is spirituality to know yourself? The difference between spirituality and religion. The benefits of spirituality.  In simple words, spirituality is the connection between us and the supreme power, who run this universe. It is the connection of our body, mind, and soul.   What is spirituality?   Spirituality is enlightenment, awareness, and it connects the holy spirit and spirit of ourselves. It is the ultimate knowledge of the truth. This is our…

  • Spiritual-healing

    What is the karma tree of life?

    At this time there is a strange competition in the world. Some want a promotion, some want a job and some want every comfort. And people are ready to go to any level to achieve that. The desire full them with greed, fear, and selfishness. Which makes them stressed. The karma tree of life keeps people relaxed and fills them with positive vibes.   What is the karma tree of life?   It is also called the feng shui tree. This karma tree of life represents stability and prosperity in life. This tree relaxes the mind, calms your mood, chakra balancing and spiritual healing, and helps in meditation and energy therapy.…

  • Mental-healing

    Do you live your life in the shadows?

    Do you live your life in the shadows? Whenever we talk about the shadow. It seems like we talk about others different from us. That is why we include the word my, our, and you with shadow.     The shadow you see in the light coming from the front in the dark is not the only shadow.  Some shadows live inside you too. You all sometimes notice that. We are scared about our shadow.   Because our minds did not judge it. That the shadow is our or of others. If I tell you the different shadows that live inside us is our lie.   Which mould a new…

  • Mental-healing

    5 ways to stop the suffering of the mind.

    5 ways to stop the suffering of the mind. We all can be sad at some point in our lives. So sadness is not the problem here, but being unable to face and overcome this feeling is a bigger problem. This is the main cause behind the suffering of the mind.       The suffering of the mind leads to various types of problems and mental disorders. Problems like, we do not want to do any work, our retention level will be low, our focus level will be low, and anger and frustration will become our part of life. Mental Disorders like anxiety, depression, sleeping disorder, and other mental issues.…

  • Mental-healing

    A healthy mind will make your life happy.

    A healthy mind will make your life happy. If you are in the mood to make some positive change in your life then first emphasize keeping your mind healthy. Our mind is the most powerful system. Which helps to live a more fulfilling life.       Happiness is the main goal of life. Anything we have done is for happiness. For example, what gives you the motivation to do hard work to achieve any goal? The simple answer is for satisfaction and happiness. Because when we achieve our goal. We feel satisfaction and happiness. Even, when we do small work. The reason behind doing that work is to find…

  • Financial-wellbeing

    6 strategies to be a king of negotiation skills.

    6 strategies to be a king of negotiation skills. Are you feeling fatigued, because you never win a negotiation battle? Are you one of them, who never sells your product to customers or always buys a product at a high price? Are you zero negotiation skills?       So, do not worry, I was one of you when I went to purchase any product, the salesmen always made a fool of me. And gave me a product at a higher price. Which my friend bought at a lower price from the same salesmen. When I went to give an interview, I never met the interviewer to agree on the…

  • Mental-healing

    9 things to overhaul our supercomputer( brain).

    9 things to overhaul our supercomputer( brain). I have been hearing since my childhood that our mind is a supercomputer. I do accept that because I saw many incidents which prove to me that our mind is a supercomputer. There is simple logic, the supercomputer is made by humans. So the human brain is more powerful than a supercomputer.   An article by CNBC NEWS wrote that The human brain contains about 100 billion neurons with about 1 quadrillion — 1 million billion — connections known as synapses that link these cells together.   Neurons each act as a relay station for electrical signals. The heart of each neuron is…

  • Mental-healing

    How to return to work with a healthy mind after facing a terrible phase of life?

    How to return to work with a healthy mind after facing a terrible phase of life? Not all wounds of the mind are visible. External injuries heal, but internal injuries take time to heal.     At the slightest hurt, our sadness starts deepening again. The mind is tired and starts thinking of itself as a loser.  After restlessness and prolonged sadness, it is possible to return to work once again, it just takes a little preparation.   To return to work with a healthy mind after facing a terrible phase of life. You should do the following preparation.   1. Take a break.   The matter of work is as…

  • Mental-healing,  Thoughts

    3 thoughts that harm mental health.

    3 thoughts that harm mental health. The real food of the mind is thoughts. What we keep thinking affects our body, mind and our whole life.      Over time, our thinking patterns are formed. Means according to change in the phase of life. The thinking pattern will be changed according to it.  Like, in childhood our main focus is to think about our studies and play. When we are adults, we think about marriage, livelihood, and other pleasures.  when we are in a phase of quadragenarian (40 to 49 age group). We think about our children’s future and other family complications that come into our life.  In the last…