• Spiritual-healing

    What is spirituality? Is it looking inward?

    What is spirituality? Is it looking inward? Before I answer the question, what is spirituality? Some questions also come to my mind. Which I think also bothers you.  Like Is spirituality looking inwards? Is spirituality worship of god? Is spirituality to know yourself? The difference between spirituality and religion. The benefits of spirituality.  In simple words, spirituality is the connection between us and the supreme power, who run this universe. It is the connection of our body, mind, and soul.   What is spirituality?   Spirituality is enlightenment, awareness, and it connects the holy spirit and spirit of ourselves. It is the ultimate knowledge of the truth. This is our…

  • Relationship

    What does a man want from a woman?

    Disclaimer: In this article, there is an affiliated link. If you buy I get some commission but it does not add on you some cost. So if you want to buy this product the link is given below. What does a man want from a woman? This question is like a maze for many women. How much time do you waste in transforming into the woman, that a man wants? How much do you find yourself wandering into that maze?       If you’re thinking man like most women, who is independent, attractive, and intelligent. So, you spend all this time in makeup yourself. That you look sexy and…

  • Self-development

    How to practice relaxing our inner threat detector?

    How to practice relaxing our inner threat detector? Walking down to your home, you find a dark street. Which often be lighted daily. Your speed of walking increases, and your heartbeat increases.      The adrenaline starts running into your heart and brain very fast. Your muscles are twitching. Your body suddenly goes into super active mode.    Have you ever thought about why it happened? This is because the inner threat detector detected an unpleasant atmosphere. Which fills us with fear. And our body transforms into super active mode.   But problems are created when we always detect threats in all work. Like, if a person without any reason…

  • Reality-of-life

    8 effective ways to cope with changes.

    8 effective ways to cope with changes. What would you do if you suddenly lost your job? If there is a sudden problem in your business, how will you manage it?      Nothing is permanent in life. Changes will always come in life. The only difference is how you face those changes or challenges.     What does a person need from his life? It may be a stable job or a successful life or a loving family or good health and peace of mind.   What if this thing is taken away from you someday?  What will you do then?     These questions are not fictitious. It is the reality of…

  • Favourite-book

    The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho: book summary.

    Disclaimer: In this article, there is an affiliated link. If you buy from my affiliate link. I get some commission, but it does not add to some extra cost. So if you want to buy this product. The links are given below. The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho: book summary. The Alchemist is a novel written by Paulo Coelho, a Brazilian writer. The book is first written in Portuguese. And later translated into various languages.     The Alchemist ( someone who transforms things for the better or who changes lead into gold) is a story of a young shepherd boy Santiago.  His journey from Spain to Egypt in search of…

  • Habits

    How do you break bad habits? (7 Scientific tips)

    How do you break bad habits? (7 Scientific tips) Many times we know that some of our habits are holding our lives in one place, but we do not feel compelled to improve them.      Habits are the behavior that we do continually in our daily life. Due to continually doing. The behavior saves in our subconscious mind and our body automatically performs that work.   Like, as our sleeping habits. If you wake up daily in the morning at 5 o’clock. Your body’s biological clock automatically sets your wake-up time to 5 o’clock. If someday your sleeping time will be disturbed, it means you go to your bed…

  • Habits

    Sleep better: guaranteed good health and happiness.

    Sleep better: guaranteed good health and happiness. If you do not sleep better. Then despite all your efforts, the mind cannot remain happy. Meaning the more sleep-deprived you are, the more likely you are to feel sad or stressed.     One such research has been claimed. What to do amid all your busyness. So that you do not have to compromise on sleeping better.   According to different research, lack of better sleep not only reduces concentration but also increases the level of stress hormones. Which can also affect your happiness level.    Not only this but a lack of better sleep can also give rise to many major diseases,…

  • Spiritual-healing

    What is the karma tree of life?

    At this time there is a strange competition in the world. Some want a promotion, some want a job and some want every comfort. And people are ready to go to any level to achieve that. The desire full them with greed, fear, and selfishness. Which makes them stressed. The karma tree of life keeps people relaxed and fills them with positive vibes.   What is the karma tree of life?   It is also called the feng shui tree. This karma tree of life represents stability and prosperity in life. This tree relaxes the mind, calms your mood, chakra balancing and spiritual healing, and helps in meditation and energy therapy.…

  • Mental-healing

    Do you live your life in the shadows?

    Do you live your life in the shadows? Whenever we talk about the shadow. It seems like we talk about others different from us. That is why we include the word my, our, and you with shadow.     The shadow you see in the light coming from the front in the dark is not the only shadow.  Some shadows live inside you too. You all sometimes notice that. We are scared about our shadow.   Because our minds did not judge it. That the shadow is our or of others. If I tell you the different shadows that live inside us is our lie.   Which mould a new…

  • Mental-healing

    5 ways to stop the suffering of the mind.

    5 ways to stop the suffering of the mind. We all can be sad at some point in our lives. So sadness is not the problem here, but being unable to face and overcome this feeling is a bigger problem. This is the main cause behind the suffering of the mind.       The suffering of the mind leads to various types of problems and mental disorders. Problems like, we do not want to do any work, our retention level will be low, our focus level will be low, and anger and frustration will become our part of life. Mental Disorders like anxiety, depression, sleeping disorder, and other mental issues.…