
Battlefield of the mind: winning the battle in mind.

Battlefield of the mind: winning the battle in mind. Do you want to have a close relationship with God?  Have you wanted to develop a positive mindset?  Do you want to know how Jesus thought?

This book will not only help you to understand how you are living your life but it will also help you to defeat the devil sitting in your mind. It will help you to think better while taking you closer to God.


Battlefield of the mind: winning the battle in mind.

About Authors: Battlefield of the mind: winning the battle in mind.


Joyce Meyer is a best-selling author who has written more than 50 books for those who are struggling with depression. She is also the speaker and president of Joyce Meyer Ministries.  She also hosts a radio show and a TV program devoted to what God has said. 



Have you ever wondered? Where do the bad and scary thoughts in our minds come from?  What is it or who is it that makes your mind restless?  


You will be surprised to know that. All this does not happen because of you. What do you resort to or how do you handle yourself when these bad feelings surround you?


In this book Battlefield of the mind. You will know how the devil is fighting a battle with you in your mind.  Do you know how powerful our thoughts are?

The Devil knows this very well and that’s why he tries to enter your mind and attack it every day. You will also find out how the devil does this and what you can do to fight it. You will also know what is the role of God in all this, you will come to know about His mysterious ways.

By the end of this book, you will have the weapons to defeat the devil and you will have won half the battle with him. So let’s go to the battlefield without delay.


The book Battlefield of the mind is divided into three parts. First, is the importance of the mind. Second, is the condition of the mind. And Third, is the wilderness mentality.

Topics-wise discussion.

The Mind is the Battlefield.


The author of this book battlefield, of the mind. Joyce felt something when she was reading the Bible.  In the Bible, God tells us many things about the power of the human mind.


It has an example, Proverb 23:7.  In the King James Version of the Bible, it is said that what a man thinks in his heart, is what he becomes.


Our thoughts control our actions.  Having a negative mindset will only lead to a negative life. But focusing our attention on God will give us a positive mindset. Through a positive mind, we will start seeing the path which God has made for us and start walking on it. 


The Scriptures of Ephesians 6:12 say that in reality, every human being is fighting a battle.  Now, this is no ordinary war where blood is shed, bombs are dropped.  The battle that is mentioned in the Bible is our spiritual battle with the devil and his army. 


The devil often tries to deceive us. He shows everything false. The devil never lies to us immediately, he takes his time. Because he is making a great plan to weaken us.


The devil gradually starts sowing seeds like doubt and fear in our minds. In the beginning, we do not realize it. But later it starts taking us in its grip. It starts to surround us from all sides.


There is a lot of patience in the devil. Like he builds a fort in our minds and starts proving our beliefs and thoughts about God as false. The purpose of this fort is to defeat us.

This fort is such an area. In which we get imprisoned by our wrong thoughts. All this goes on in our minds. The mind becomes its battleground.


Let us understand this with a story. Where you will be able to see. How does the battlefield of the mind make the married life of Martha and Josh unhappy?


Martha was not pleased with Josh. Both of them always quarreled. And used to tell bitter things to each other. Even his two children were beginning to feel this hatred and tension.


Martha did not want that. Josh would be the head of the house. She was an independent woman running her own. Always used to think that. Only she should have the right to take every decision. 


Now you must be thinking that in such a condition. Martha should take shelter from God. God will help him in this journey. But the thing is that Martha believed in God.  She also knew that. She had convulsions and had a bad attitude. But she did not know how to change or fix it.


She used to react like this because she did not know any other way to react. The problem here is that Martha had a fort built in her mind long before she met Josh.

Since childhood, the devil had been strengthening this fort in Martha’s mind. What do you think could be the reason for this? The reason was that Martha’s childhood was very painful.

Whenever his father was in a bad mood, he would beat him badly, hurting him.  Martha and her mother endured this bad behavior for many years. Now as Martha grew older, the devil began to affect her. A strong fortress was now ready in his mind against men. 


Martha was struck by the fact that men are dishonest and not worthy of trust. He felt that men would always take advantage of him. So Martha is determined that no one can treat her badly, or dictate what she has to do, and how to do it, especially not men at all.


Now, what can Martha do to break the fortress that the devil had built in her mind? She has only one weapon, to follow the words of God.


But just reading or listening to the Bible is not enough.  Martha will have to repeatedly use the words of the Lord as a weapon.

There are other spiritual weapons that we can use in our praise and prayer. The more you serve the Lord, sing His praises, and follow His words, the more you will know the importance of your thoughts and words.  By following these things you will know the Holy Spirit.

A Vital Necessity.


Our thoughts have a lot of power. So we should be very careful what kind of thoughts we keep in our minds. So what is the right way to think?  The right way is when our thinking becomes similar to what God has said or starts matching with them. The author insists that if your mind is negative then you can never lead a positive life.


Romans 8:5 speaks of two different minds – the first which is the mind of our body and the second which is the mind of our soul. The mind of the body tells about the wrong thoughts. 

It tells about the negative thoughts that come into our minds. It is called the brain of the flesh. Because we do bad and unholy things to ourselves.


We start fulfilling the desires of our bodies even if it goes against what God has said. This fleshy mind stops us from living a positive life.  


Whereas listening to the mind of the soul is more important because it is like thinking of the Divine, which satisfies the Holy Spirit. 


Let’s say you get a call from your bank that you have withdrawn more than $850 from your account. You are very surprised and embarrassed to hear this.

You remember that maybe you forgot to deposit money in your account this month. So, You deposit money quickly by reaching the bank. 


Resolving this issue immediately will not create further problems. Similarly, the author advises that you make up your mind now too. 

If you are thinking wrongly for years then your life will remain unorganized. Always remember one thing your life cannot be organized until your mind is not organized.


You have to be serious to break the fortress of the devil that has been built in your mind. You have to destroy the fort using the weapons of God’s words, praise, and prayer. 


Ask God for help to make your mind positive.  The Holy Spirit will help you, trust in Him.  You alone cannot defeat the devil. And therefore it is very important to think right to believe in God.  It is just as important as the heartbeat to stay alive.

Just as your physical body needs food to survive, your spiritual life also needs nourishment. And we get it every day by spending some time with God.


The Bible says that a tree is known for its fruits. The same is true of our life. Thoughts bear fruit. Good thoughts bring good results in our life and bad thoughts bring bad. A good person never thinks bad about others in the same way the thoughts of a bad person are never good.

When is My Mind Normal?


What should be the state of mind of a believer in God?  Before diving into this question you should know about the principle that the mind helps the soul.  

When a person welcomes the Lord into his life, the Holy Spirit starts living in that person.  According to the Bible, this holy spirit also resides in the mind of God. 


Therefore the soul helps us to attain the knowledge of the Lord. This soul is connected with all of us and with God. When the soul gives us the knowledge of God. Then we come to know the truth. Although the soul wants to give us knowledge it is not always successful. 


The reason we are so busy has become that our mind does not pay attention or remember what the soul tells us. A mind that is always busy is abnormal. A normal mind is when it listens to the words of the soul. Such a mind is calm and relaxed. 


A normal mind does not have negative emotions like fear, anxiety, or restlessness.  Joyce has always sought knowledge from God in his life.

But she could not understand that. Since the soul which is sitting inside her is giving her what she was asking for from God.

She could not hear the voice of her soul. Because her mind was so busy. There was so much turmoil.


Suppose there are two people in a room. The first man is trying to whisper something in the ear of the other. But the other man could not hear it because there was a lot of noise in the room. 

This is exactly what happens when the soul and the Supreme Soul try to talk to us. The soul is very soft, its voice is slow. Therefore we should make our minds as calm as possible so that we can hear what the Spirit has to say to us.  


The devil knows that your mind and soul are working together. He starts a war in your mind to stop this. He constantly sows the seeds of fear and anxiety in your mind. 

The more you think about your thoughts, the more tired your mind becomes. Because of this fatigue, he is unable to hear the slow voice of the soul. That’s why a normal mind has peace and is not tired.


It has become that our mind does not pay attention to or remember what the soul tells us. A mind that is always busy is abnormal.

The Mind of Christ.


Now how do you know whether your thoughts are right or not? This chapter will tell us how Jesus thought when he was on earth. Taking a look at Jesus’ thoughts will make it easier for you to follow in His footsteps.


You must be thinking that it is impossible, it is not possible to think like Jesus at all.  He was perfect. But God has given us a blessing above those millions of blessings. We were given a new nature at the time of birth. This is the nature of God.

The Bible says that by following God’s words and following the path shown by him, we will get many things like – his soul, a new heart, and a new mind.  What does this mean now?


 Romans 8:6 It is said that the mind of the flesh leads you to a bad end and the mind of the spirit leads to life.  


Knowing the difference between life and death to make a mind like Jesus is a great victory in itself. Suppose a man did something bad to you. Your anger intensifies as soon as you think about it.  


You keep telling yourself how much you hate that man. If your mind is of soul then you will not allow such bad thoughts to come into your mind because when you look carefully you will know how much hate you are filled with.  


Due to this, you will be upset, and restless and your head can also hurt. On the other hand, the soul’s mind will tell you how many things you have got in life, and how lucky you are. 


One way to think like Jesus is to maintain positive thoughts. Because your mind is very powerful. It should be filled only with positive thoughts. 


Making it a positive mindset and attitude can be achieved. Jesus is its perfect example.  He suffered a lot during his time on earth.  People lied to him, cheated on him, and left him alone.

There was a time when Jesus was completely alone and he was being ridiculed. Still, he maintained a positive attitude.

He always used to encourage the people around him, and his followers with enthusiasm and passion. God wants us to remain positive always. The devil wants to hurt and oppress us.


He does this by attacking our minds with negative thoughts. Now, how do you deal with depression?

First, let us know what is the main cause of depression. Chances are this is a sign of the devil attacking your mind.


Second, accept the fact that depression sucks the life out of us makes us lifeless, and makes us live dead bodies. It fills you with fear and makes you feel powerless. The longer depression stays with you, the more difficult it will become for you to remove it from your life.


Third, remember the good times of your life.  Thinking about the good moments of your life will give you hope. In the darkness that depression brings with it, it will act like a light that will spread light in your sad mind. Positive memories also give some ideas to defeat the devil.


Fourth, use your spiritual weapons in bad times. Remember that prayer and praise to the Lord are your weapons. Raise your hands and pray to God.  

 Most people get depressed because they look for what they want in the wrong places. All they need is God. Talking to them will surely show them the way.

Wilderness mentality.


#1 My behavior may be wrong, but it’s not my fault.


It is told in the Bible that the mindset of the wilderness had dominated the Israelites. He spent 40 years in the forest and his journey would have ended in just 17 days.

Jungle mentality means wandering here and there unnecessarily which does not allow us to progress or progress. 

Joyce realized that this mentality was present in all of us. Here he means to say that we get stuck in any situation for so long that we cannot move forward.  


It takes us years to achieve something. Whereas we could have achieved it in very little time. It is wrong to have this kind of mindset. Because It prevents us from improving ourselves. On the other hand, the right mindset makes us better. 


A passage from the Colossians teaches us that we should have a Permanent Right Mindset.  It takes us on the path that God has made for us.


This type of mentality which is common among many people is not to take any responsibility for your actions. This has been going on since the beginning of time. 

When God asked Adam and Eve why they ate the fruit they were forbidden to eat, they both started blaming each other. 

They also blamed the devil. Both of them did not admit their mistake. Joyce says that there was a time when she used to have the same mentality.


She saw it in herself and her husband Dave. At that time, Joyce used to pray that her husband should change. 

When he began to read the Bible and pray, she noticed that. The fault was not in the husband but him himself.

Nobody likes to admit that they are wrong.  But Joyce did not take this thing lightly. She cried a lot for three days.

God had shown Joyce how difficult it was to be with him. She saw how much she was controlling, demanding, and complaining about almost everything. 


After realizing this, he started working on himself. Often you get stuck in solving the same problems because you do not even consider changing yourself. 


There are countless words like “If, I wish…..” in your mind, which you want others to change. But you do not want to change.

You think that if my parents had worked a little more, I would have gotten admission to a better university if my husband was more supportive then I could have done that job, and if I had a little more money, I could have bought a more beautiful house.


See how many you have in your mind, in reality, it is very difficult to face the truth. We think we will be defeated in the face of our problem.


God can help you to change. But if you don’t take responsibility for your action then he won’t be able to do it.

You Have to be honest with and with them. God is very merciful but learns to take responsibility for what you are doing right and wrong.

#2 Why shouldn’t I be jealous if everyone else is better than me?  


We always compare ourselves to others.  Because of this, gradually the feeling of jealousy starts building inside us. 

By keeping your mind fixed on others, you will keep wandering like this.  But why do we get jealous when we compare ourselves to others?  


That’s because we are insecure. As a human, we do not value ourselves and do not understand our values.

Because our mind is full of fear and doubt, we do not feel secure about ourselves, so we tend to compare and compete with those who are doing better than us.


Joyce has also experienced this struggle. But when he realized that God had made him very special, yes special, especially because there is absolutely no other like him in the whole world.

You are unique in this whole world. This is the truth that we tend to ignore, and this truth has given Joyce the freedom she was looking for.


It is told in a passage of Luke that the disciples of Jesus also competed with each other. They used to argue with each other about who is the biggest devotee of Jesus. Jesus told them that whoever considers himself to be the greatest disciple would be the worst disciple. 


But why so?  When Jesus was in this world, he told everyone that the word of God is completely different and opposite from this world. This point is also in Mark’s passage. Jesus said that what is first in this world will be the last in heaven.

This world gives attention to those people who are the best. We all want to be the best student and the best employees. But after reaching the top, peace and contentment are hard to come by. You will feel true peace within yourself only when you get rid of the thought of competing with others. 


Even when we play just for fun, there is always a feeling of competition in us somewhere.  If you want to be the best then there is nothing wrong with that. We want to perform our best because it can give us a promotion or scholarship to a good university. 


But the biggest promotion is the person who has unwavering faith in God in his eyes of him.  When you do any work keep them in mind, they will always support you.


Burning connects us with the mind of the body. Such feelings have no relation even far and wide with the mind of the soul.


Rather, it is also said to be the main reason for the mentality of the jungle. Next time you start feeling jealous of someone, ask yourself – what will I get from being jealous of someone?  Will I be blessed?


Trust God because He knows what is best for you. You should not be concerned with what God does for others, what He gives to them.



So in this book battlefield of the mind. You learned that we are all waging a spiritual battle with the devil. Our mind is the battlefield where the devil has waged war.

We have to defeat him by fighting in the field of the mind itself. Every thought which is against the Divine and considers itself above the knowledge of the Lord, you have to uproot it from the root.


The real problem lies in our behavior. And thoughts and the devil knows that. If he controls our thoughts. He will also control our actions. So he fights this battle in our minds. The devil knows how powerful our mind is. He starts making such forts in our minds which force us to think negative things. 


The Lord has given us the weapons to fight against the devil. Which is to obey the words of the Lord, pray and praise the Lord. Creating a positive mind can be a bit difficult. But it is not impossible at all. And God does not expect you to struggle alone to achieve it.


So ask them for help. Even without a voice, God hears the true call coming out of the heart. The devil will always attack your mind so ask God for strength.

Surrender yourself to God. Because He is very merciful. The Lord has written His thoughts in the scriptures. So examine your thoughts in the light of the Lord’s words and try to make your thoughts like them.


Because his thoughts are the best in which all goodness is hidden. Understand deeply the thoughts going on in our minds. Because we often live in our false pride and ego.

Which has the power to ruin not only ours but the lives of the people around us. So this is the conclusion of Battlefield of the mind:

Best of luck.

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I am a common man, with the common purpose of life, defeat many times like everyone. But one thing which keeps me in the race of life. Never give up, continue, be patient, and be passionate. I believe in sharing. So, I start this blog with the purpose to thrive your mind and thrive your future. By giving motivational, personal development, mental and financial well being, relationship, habits and thoughts tips. Which I experienced in my life. Experience is the best teacher you can trust.

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