• Thoughts

    Endurance will come from right-thinking.

     Endurance will come from right-thinking. Often we think that money gives a protective cover and anything can be achieved on the strength of wealth, but this is only an illusion.    There are many such people around us who, despite being prosperous in all respects, live in the shadow of an untold fear. Rich have fear of becoming poor, the poor have fear from unexpected expenses, life has to fear death.   So not a single person lives their life without fear. The main reason for the fear is our thinking. Especially our negative thinking and our approaches towards how we deal with the situation of life.   Sometimes situations…

  • Motivation

    Make your every day a thrill & Are you ready for the thrill?

     Make your every day a thrill & Are you ready for the thrill? After exploring our past, we find out how many of our dreams and adventures remain unfulfilled.     Amid the daily hustle and bustle, we put them aside and got busy with other things.  But, then one day it seems that most of our dreams will now remain unfulfilled.     “It is more important to know where you are going than to get there early. Don’t make the mistake of treating the activity as an achievement” Socrates    There was a time in ripe life when your name was recognized by adventure. Your life was for discoveries. You…

  • Self-development

    Does living life matter or does age matter?

     Does living life matter or does age matter? The pleasant journey will come to an end, the human desire to become immortal is increasing rapidly in the country and the world.   Sometimes I wonder what the purpose of a long life is? Life should be short, But meaningful. Recently technology has been a major development in the field of reversing age. But nature is nature. What nature makes no scientist makes. We only do cloning, but not the same as god made. Even today, I remember that moment. When we visited the doctor for counselling after my father’s open-heart surgery. He says ” we are docter, not gods. We…

  • Motivation

    Who is your companion in life’s prosperity?

    Who is your companion in life’s prosperity? Amawash (new moon) is the starting of the journey to the Poornima (full moon). I write this blog on the day of Diwali. Which is celebrated on the night of being awash.   Diwali is the celebration of prosperity. On this day goddess, Lakshmi( goddess of wealth) is worshipped. The darkness of scarcity scares us and attracts the light of prosperity. To remove the darkness of life, it is necessary to have the light of beautiful feelings. After a lot of thinking I stopped at the conclusion that the darkness of night represents all the miseries of life.  And that twinkling light from…

  • Habits

    Why do we not concentrate on our studies or work? 6 tips to improve concentration.

     Why do we not concentrate on our studies or work? 6 tips to improve concentration. This is the most common problem faced by us in our student life or professional life.   It is not limited to a portion of society. Whereas everybody will be affected by this in many forms.  Some have not concentrated on their studies, some do not concentrate on their work, some do not concentrate on their decision, some do not concentrate on their life. In my view, most people complain that they do not concentrate or their concentration level is very low. Mostly they tell this without properly evaluating themselves. Because 90% of people can…