
Should we be fear of death?

Are you afraid of death or fear of death? Yes, yesterday a person asked me this question about whether we should be afraid of death or not. The question was a small one but it bothered me for several hours. I kept thinking about this for many hours. If so, then this is the most important question of life.  But I had never even thought about it till today. It was the first time that someone asked me this question.


Should we be fear of death?


So When I started thinking about this question, suddenly a pop-up thought popped into my mind. That it is cowardly to be afraid of death. Because from childhood. We listened and saw. A hero is not afraid of death. Only a villain’s fear of death. So because of this, I started thinking that. Being afraid of death is equal to losing.  We should not be afraid of death. And we have many examples to reinforce this point. Like the sacrifice of the freedom fighters of our country. The sacrifice of soldiers on the border. And sacrifice of doctors in covid 19 era. These are real heroes.


But then suddenly a thought came to my mind, there may be other aspects to it also. Like a terrorist, even he does not have the fear of death. He kills the common people without any hesitation. And in the end, he dies. A murderer who knows that he can also be hanged for this.  Still, he commits murder.  So not being afraid of death also makes us crazy elephants.  Whatever comes his way, he goes to uproot it.


Now I came and stood at the same place from where I had left. But then I thought that now I should be afraid of death also. I already had an answer that the fear of death makes us weak.  But the same fear of death puts a bridle on us. It acts like a bridle that protects us from being dangerous. It is our duty to the life that God has given us. Live it well and enjoy it. So now I had some conclusions about both aspects of death.


So the answer to this question is hidden in the peace after death. What do we not do to get that peace? We do meditation, yoga classes, and mindful practice to find peace. But we do not achieve it. So now come on example a soldier and a terrorist. To better understand the meaning of fear of death. Both give their life. Both do not fear death. But their purpose of death is different. 


On one hand where a soldier goes to fight. He is afraid of death. Yes, he is afraid that he will die. Then the enemy will enter his country. He is not afraid that I will die or what will happen to my family after me. He only worries that I have to save my life so that I can fight for my country.


So he knows about the extent to which he has to fear death. And to what extent does he have to conquer death?  His fear is the security of his country.  But not being afraid of death is his passion to sacrifice for his country.


On their hand, if we talk about the terrorist. He does not take and gives life to protect anyone. His only goal is to take his revenge and establish his terror. The soldier is afraid because he has to protect someone. Even if he didn’t lose his life to protect him? Whereas a terrorist is not afraid because he only wants to kill another. There is no sense of protection in it.




 So, the correct answer to this question is whether should we be afraid of death or not. First of all, our attitude toward death is wrong. We always said that we will die after 100 years. But from inside there is a fear that death will take us in its lap at any time. And this is the reason why we are always afraid of death.  While it is well known that one who has come to this world has to go one day. So we should understand that death is to come and will be ahead.


But we should also be afraid of death to some extent. Fear of death is necessary because it forces us to follow the rules of life properly.  The way you saw above, a terrorist who has no fear of death. He can do anything. can kill anyone. Because he has nothing to save. His motive is that he just has to propagate terror. Because when you have something to lose, only then fear will arise in you. I am not a depressed person.


Who thinks that I have nothing left? So now death is the last way for me. and I do not believe that you should think the same. There is no doubt that life is very difficult, but it is also beautiful. The bigger the responsibility is on us, the bigger the trouble will come on us. Do not run away from your trouble, believe that death is to come one day and it will come.  But for the rest of my life, I will not be afraid of death. The fear of death is just to stop you from doing bad deeds. When you will give up your bad deeds. Then the fear of death will automatically come out from inside you.


Best of luck.

I am a common man, with the common purpose of life, defeat many times like everyone. But one thing which keeps me in the race of life. Never give up, continue, be patient, and be passionate. I believe in sharing. So, I start this blog with the purpose to thrive your mind and thrive your future. By giving motivational, personal development, mental and financial well being, relationship, habits and thoughts tips. Which I experienced in my life. Experience is the best teacher you can trust.

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