
  • Habits

    How do you break bad habits? (7 Scientific tips)

    How do you break bad habits? (7 Scientific tips) Many times we know that some of our habits are holding our lives in one place, but we do not feel compelled to improve them.      Habits are the behavior that we do continually in our daily life. Due to continually doing. The behavior saves in our subconscious mind and our body automatically performs that work.   Like, as our sleeping habits. If you wake up daily in the morning at 5 o’clock. Your body’s biological clock automatically sets your wake-up time to 5 o’clock. If someday your sleeping time will be disturbed, it means you go to your bed…

  • Habits

    Sleep better: guaranteed good health and happiness.

    Sleep better: guaranteed good health and happiness. If you do not sleep better. Then despite all your efforts, the mind cannot remain happy. Meaning the more sleep-deprived you are, the more likely you are to feel sad or stressed.     One such research has been claimed. What to do amid all your busyness. So that you do not have to compromise on sleeping better.   According to different research, lack of better sleep not only reduces concentration but also increases the level of stress hormones. Which can also affect your happiness level.    Not only this but a lack of better sleep can also give rise to many major diseases,…

  • Habits

    How to wake up early in the morning? Use my method ARISE.

    How to wake up early in the morning? Use my method ARISE. Are you from them who want a remedy for wake-up early sickness? Are you who hit the snoozing button and go to sleep?       I am one of you. Every morning I put my fingertip on the wake-up alarm button to stop it. And go to sleep.   Every night I decide that the next day I will wake up early in the morning. But every day I put my fingertip on the wake-up call alarm button.   I feel fatigued by this behaviour. Because due to late wake-ups, I miss various opportunities and my body…

  • Habits

    How to inculcate the habit of learning new?

    How to inculcate the habit of learning new? whether at home or outside, our desire to learn new, the ability is no less than any blessing.   This is such a quality, for which the more we try, the more we go on opening the way for our progress. It is better to try to learn than to claim to know everything.       Talk about work, give preference to progress, where we spend most of our time and energy, there are the most opportunities for our learning.   But the problem is that we are not happy with the work we are doing. We spend our time grieving, annoying, indifferent…

  • Habits

    Why do we not concentrate on our studies or work? 6 tips to improve concentration.

     Why do we not concentrate on our studies or work? 6 tips to improve concentration. This is the most common problem faced by us in our student life or professional life.   It is not limited to a portion of society. Whereas everybody will be affected by this in many forms.  Some have not concentrated on their studies, some do not concentrate on their work, some do not concentrate on their decision, some do not concentrate on their life. In my view, most people complain that they do not concentrate or their concentration level is very low. Mostly they tell this without properly evaluating themselves. Because 90% of people can…

  • Habits

    Habits related to work that increase our speed towards success.

    Everyone does the work, they also make every effort to complete them well from their side.  But, there are some habits related to work, which set us apart from other people and increase our speed towards success. Our habits play a big role in success.    Habit is a spice that makes your food (life) delicious. Your habits make your task easy to achieve the goal.  Like your habit is to wake up early in the morning. It adds two or three hours to your daily schedule and the hour which is added is the most productive hour. First, after sleep, your mind and body recharge very well. Your brain…

  • Habits

    Why do we fail in adopting new habits? The reason is our 4 tendencies.

    Why do we fail in adopting new habits? The reason is our 4 tendencies. You are the only one in this whole world. And this is a fact. The abilities you have, the potentials that no one else has. You are unique. And you should believe in this.       If you think that the method works for others, why fails you?  So I will tell you to never blame yourself for this or keep any self-doubt.     Now, as often people take notes from their laptops in class because it makes it easy.  But you have problems using a laptop because you find it easier to write on paper.  Do…

  • Habits

    11 Habits that successful people avoid for finding success.

     11 Habits that successful people avoid for finding success. When I think about success a conflict arises under my intuition. That success is to be a millionaire? Or success is to live our lives with joy?     I am damn sure that 80% of us will go with the first one and the other 20% will go with the second one. But the truth is that all of us are hanging in confusion about it. Which is the best answer. Because both are right in their place. Because we live in a materialistic world. So money is important.  But only money does not satisfy us. We need family, relatives…

  • Habits

    9 common habits of successful people.

    Want to be a successful man? Fallow 9 common habits of successful people. Every person is unique. In the success of people, various factors are involved. In these all factors habits are ones. It’s very much sure that every person has their unique habits. Which help them to thrive in their life. So, I selected 9 common habits. which is found in most successful people. In this article, I am going to explain the 9 common habits of successful people. And in last leave a question for you.   1. Value of time- The two things which are not in the control of human beings. The first is life and death…

  • Habits

    10 Habits that Improve your Mental Wellbeing.

    Mind is the boss of the human body. So mental wellbeing is essential for the better function of the body. In this article. I have gone to share 10 habits that improve mental wellbeing. when we are mentally healthy, we enjoy our life, environment and the people in it. We can be creative, learn, try new things and take a risk. We are better able to face sadness, stress and the worst time of life and easily come out from that. I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet. Mahatma Gandhi For mental wellbeing, you have nothing more to do. Only manipulate your daily routine.…